
DELCO CSP Facebook Page:
Delco CSP Best Practices Handbook
Bucks County CSP Website:
Montgomery County CSP Website:
Community Support Program Resources:
Crisis and Suicide Prevention:
Delaware County Crisis Connection Team (DCCCT): Phone: 1.855.889.7827
Delaware County Suicide Prevention and Awareness Task Force
DIAL Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Phone: 988
Get Help - 988 Lifeline Using the 988 Lifeline is free. When you call, text, or chat the 988 Lifeline, your conversation is confidential. The 988 Lifeline provides you judgment-free care. Talking with someone can help save your life.
988 - Veterans, Service Members, and their Loved Ones Veterans, active service members, and their loved ones can reach the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) 24/7/365 by calling 988 and pressing 1, texting 838255 or chatting. Learn more about the VCL.
988 - Spanish-Speakers 988 Lifeline voice, text, and chat options are offered in Spanish. To call a Spanish-speaking counselor, dial 988 and then press 2. To text with a Spanish-speaking counselor, text AYUDA to 988. To chat with a Spanish-speaking counselor, please start a chat in Spanish.
988 - Español (Spanish) Los servicios de llamada, texto, y chat de 988 Lifeline se ofrecen en español. Para comunicarse con un consejero que habla español, marque 988 y luego presione 2. Para enviar un mensaje de texto a un consejero que habla español, envié la palabra AYUDA al 988. Para chatear con un consejero que habla español, por favor inicia un chat en español.
988 - LGBTQI+ Youth and Young Adults LGBTQI+ people under 25 can access 24/7/365 LGBTQI+ support via 988 chat or by text by typing PRIDE. You will be asked if you want to opt-in to this support before you are connected to a counselor. People can also call 988 and press 3 to be connected to LGBTQI+ services.
988 - Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People Deaf and Hard of Hearing people have 24/7/365 access to 988 Videophone, which can be accessed by clicking on ASL Now.
Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) and Peer to Peer Support:
Delaware County Peer Warm Line: Phone: 1.855.464.9342
Compeer of Suburban Philadelphia/Compeer CORPS:
2020 Delco Peer Support Awards Ceremony - Video Link:
Mental Wellness & Family Support Groups:
Alternative Perceptions - Contact Eric Ayers: email: cell: 484.983.4379
Alternative Perceptions Facebook Page:
DBSA Delaware County Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance:
NAMI Main Line - National Alliance on Mental Illness – Phone: 267.251.6240
Substance Use Support Resources:
Twelve Step Support Programs:
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services:
Alcoholics Anonymous - Southeastern Pennsylvania Intergroup Association (SEPIA) (Delaware County):
Narcotics Anonymous World Services:
Celebrate Recovery:
CPS/CRS Warm Hand Off Program:
Recovery Certified Peer Specialist, Certified Recovery Specialist Warm Handoff Program – MVP Recovery connecting persons with mental wellness, and substance use challenges to support service program, resources and treatment facilities. 24/7 Warm Handoff Phone Line: 855.MVP.2410 website:
Additional Supports:
Delaware County Department of Human Services:
Delaware County Citizens Corps:
Our Community Cup Coffeehouse - Tree of Life Church 933 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA 19064 See website for schedule and times:
SAMHSA National Help Line:
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation assists individuals with obtaining, maintaining, or advancing employment through personalized services, including vocational guidance and counseling, goal setting, creating Individualized Plans for Employment, job placement and more. For additional information and how to contact your local office click on the link: Visit Website